Thursday, January 14, 2010

Family/City/School Update!

こんいちわ!So I just found out a few minutes ago that I'll be located in the city of Okazaki, or Okazaki-shi (shi means city...) in Aichi-ken (State or Province). As to other things about it, like North, East ETC. or which places I'll be near and all that fun stuff, I Won't really know untill either my host family emails me back (I just sent them an email.... yeah I'm impatient. :P) or I get there. Okazaki has a River that runs through the middle, which looks really really pretty in pictures, and an old important castle, which I refuse to look at pictures of because I want it to be a surprise. Though From what I see the view from it is amazing. I'm so excited my head could pop.
My School is the Okazaki West Senior High School, of which Google was of no help finding. but I saw a picture or two of some other high schools in Okazaki and they all looked amazing, so I'll make the blind assumption that my school looks equally as awesome. And according to my AFS page, I'll be starting school on the 1st of April. that gives me like... 7 days to get myself situated in this new country. heheheh

I'll be living with the Iwase family, in a household (I think it's a house? I'll find out soon enough...) of 7. So that's Mr. Iwase, Mrs Iwase, and their 4 sons and 1 daughter. Quite the family huh? All of which I'm sure I will get along with nicely.

As soon as I Know more about all this stuff, like family information, what my school uniform will look like, and how the city is, I'll be sure to make more updates. GAH, I'm just so impatient!